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Seeking feedback on applying the consumer data right to banking and electricity

The government is progressing the development of a ‘consumer data right’ to give individuals and businesses greater choice and control over their data. This is done through the Customer and Product Data Bill, which has been introduced to Parliament and is now before the Economic Development, Science and Innovation Committee.

Extending the voluntary recalls on Serene Bathroom heaters

Last month the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) published a voluntary recall of Serene S2068 heaters with specific serial numbers. After further investigations by WorkSafe’s Energy Safety team, all Serene S2068 heaters that were imported, sold or installed after 16 June 2018, regardless of serial number are no longer able to be used, sold or installed in New Zealand.

New Zealand consumer surveys

The Consumer Protection team conducts biennial New Zealand Consumer Surveys (NZCS) to find out what adult New Zealanders know about consumer laws and it explores how they behave when they experience problems with products and services. The surveys provide national level insights on the health of the Consumer & Commercial regulatory system, and enable changes to be monitored.