Findings of an independent review into the AEWV was released in February 2024.
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Find out how you can provide translation or interpreting support to the New Zealand Public Service.
We survey recent migrants about their experiences of life in New Zealand and report on their settlement outcomes. We also survey New Zealanders about their perceptions of migrants and immigration to better understand community attitudes.
Telephone/Video Interpreting Service for government agencies
MBIE extends current language assistance services contract while procurement of a panel of providers continues.
Learn about how to access telephone and video interpreting services.
The Migrant Employment Data (MED) combines Immigration New Zealand’s visa data with Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax data to provide measures of how many people are engaged in the labour market each month, by industry, visa type, geographic area, and demographic characteristics.
The Minister and Associate Minister of Immigration are proactively releasing the titles of documents received from MBIE.
The Language Assistance Services (LAS) Programme was created to address language barriers in accessing public services and information. This initiative came about after reviews in 2015 and 2016 highlighted the need for improved interpreter and translation services in the public sector.
The National Accreditation Authority for Translator and Interpreters (NAATI) framework, a new program setting standards and certifications for public sector language professionals, will come into effect on 1 July 2024.