The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on a range of options to control the risks from engineered stone and other sources of exposure to respirable crystalline silica.
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All workers and their families deserve to have confidence that they will return home safe from work, including those in the engineered stone industry and sectors working with materials that contain crystalline silica.
About the earthquake-prone building system review
The National Construction Pipeline Report provides the sector with a 6-year projection of national building and construction work.
Consultation document to help get feedback on proposals to change insulation requirements for housing and other buildings in the Building Code, Acceptable Solutions H1/AS1 and H1/AS2 and Verification Methods H1/VM1 and H1/VM2.
Have your say on changing the Building Code requirements for insulation in homes and other buildings.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) – Hīkina Whakatutuki, Ngāti Hinemanu, Ngāi Upokoiri me ōna Piringa Hapū Authority Trust, Ōmāhu Marae and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated have partnered together to deliver temporary accommodation for whānau displaced due to Cyclone Gabrielle.
The Government recently sought public feedback on options to make it easier to build granny flats.
Making it easier to build granny flats.
The Government has announced a new programme of work to investigate options for a new self-certification regime for building and construction professionals.