Seeking your feedback on work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica

Days left

Submissions due: 18 March 2025, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on a range of options to control the risks from engineered stone and other sources of exposure to respirable crystalline silica.

About the consultation

We want to hear about your experiences with engineered stone and other industries where exposure to respirable crystalline silica is a risk. Your feedback will inform MBIE’s advice to Ministers on improvements we could make to the controls currently in place.

What we are seeking feedback on

All workers and their families deserve to have confidence that they will return home safe from work, including those in the engineered stone industry and other sectors working with materials that contain crystalline silica. 

In its solid form, engineered stone does not have hazardous properties. It is the dust that is generated from cutting, grinding, or polishing engineered stone that has the potential to cause harm when it is breathed in usually over long periods of exposure.

Despite current initiatives, risk management practices remain inconsistent. WorkSafe inspections have found that even better-performing businesses sometimes lapse in applying effective controls. 

MBIE is seeking feedback on options which include:

  • Specific mandatory controls on processing of engineered stone 
  • Licensing of workplaces that fabricate engineered stone
  • A general duty to reduce RCS exposure in all workplaces
  • Mandatory worker health and/or exposure monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of any controls
  • A potential ban on import, use, and supply of engineered stone

We are seeking feedback from a broad range of submitters on the option(s) you prefer. Some options can be combined to produce a package of proposed changes. We are interested in how options will impact on businesses and individuals who work within industries that work with materials that contain crystalline silica, such as in engineered stone fabrication, construction, mining, tunnelling, quarrying, etc. 

Relevant documents

How to make a submission

Submissions will close on Tuesday, 18 March 2025 at 5pm.

You can make a submission by:

  • Completing the online survey 
  • Completing the submission form template provided in the list of documents above, and either: 
    • emailing your submission as a Microsoft Word document to:, or
    • mailing it to: 
      Consultation: Work with engineered stone and materials containing crystalline silica
      Health and Safety Policy
      Workplace Relations and Safety
      Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
      PO Box 1473
      Wellington 6140

Include your contact details in the cover letter or email accompanying your submission.

Direct any questions regarding this consultation to 

Last updated: 14 January 2025