Payloads approved for launch

We’re committed to keeping New Zealanders informed about the range of payloads launched into space, from New Zealand.

As part of this commitment we are releasing, on a quarterly basis, a summary of all payloads approved for launch by the Minister for Space.

List of all approved payloads, up to 30 June 2024

Summary of approved payloads

We have approved a range of payloads for launch from New Zealand and this diversity is shown below by country, owner, purpose and size of all payloads up to 30 June 2024.

Where information has not been published about a payload, there are grounds for withholding that information under the Official Information Act 1982.

Payload permits and approvals to launch in New Zealand: By country
Charts of: Number of payload permits approved; Payload owners by type of organisation; Satellite numbers, shapes and sizes; Payload purposes

Process to launch a payload

Poster about launching payloads from New Zealand, the process involved and New Zealand's space laws.
Last updated: 19 July 2024