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4We are consulting on 2 proposals to strengthen New Zealand’s Capital Markets.
We are consulting on a proposed levy to recover the cost of the Commerce Commission’s new functions to regulate water services under the Commerce Act 1986 from 1 July 2025 onwards.DShj
MBIE is seeking feedback on proposed design features of the Game Development Sector Rebate (GDSR).
Alongside our Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan (ITP) partners, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on the draft Advanced Manufacturing ITP.
Consultation is now open on a draft Long-term Insights Briefing on ‘The future of business for Aotearoa New Zealand: An exploration of 2 trends influencing productivity and wellbeing – purpose-led business and use of blockchain technology’.
Consultation on a focus area for a Long-term Insights Briefing on ‘The future of business for Aotearoa New Zealand: opportunities and implications for productivity and wellbeing’ is now open.