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Review of freedom camping transitional period for privately owned, self-contained vehicles Submissions due: 01 November 2024, 5pm

We are seeking feedback on whether to extend the transitional period for privately owned, self-contained vehicles in the Freedom Camping Act beyond 7 June 2025.

Freedom camping regulations Closed: 06 October 2022, 5pm

Public consultation on the Freedom Camping Regulations Discussion Document occurred between 8 September and 6 October 2022.

Consultation: He Mahere Tiaki Kaimahi – Draft Better Work Action Plan Closed: 14 September 2022, 5pm

MBIE has consulted on the draft Better Work Action Plan on behalf of the Tourism Industry Transformation Plan Leadership Group.

Supporting sustainable freedom camping in Aotearoa New Zealand Closed: 16 May 2021, 11:55pm

The Government’s public consultation on how to make freedom camping in New Zealand more sustainable is now complete. A summary of submissions document has been published and policy changes have been announced.

Tourism strategy consultation Closed: 04 February 2019, 5pm

Consultation on the Aotearoa New Zealand Government Tourism Strategy.