New Zealand Space Policy Review

Submissions closed: 31 October 2022, 11:59pm

From 5 September to 31 October 2022, MBIE sought feedback on your interests in space and the values and objectives that underpin New Zealand’s space policies.

Summary of feedback and next steps

The summary of feedback report, high-level next steps and submissions received are available at the following link:

New Zealand Space Policy Review consultation

Consultation document

We encouraged you to look through the consultation document before making your submission. The New Zealand Space Policy Review Consultation document outlines:

  • The role of government: The New Zealand government’s role in space policy development.
  • Values: New Zealand values which are reflected through our space activities and engagements.
  • Interests: The range of cross-cutting interests that the New Zealand government has in space; including economic, national security, regulatory, international and environmental interests.
  • Policy objectives: Existing policy objectives which reflect the government’s interests in space.

Public consultation meetings

Public meetings to support this consultation took place in Mahia, Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and online. Thank you to all those who attended. Feedback from these meetings was fed into the process alongside written submissions.

Separate aerospace consultation

The government also consulted on the development of an Aerospace Strategy, which set a vision and goals to grow the wider aerospace sector (which includes space and advanced aviation) in New Zealand.

The summary of feedback from that consultation can be found at:

Have your say: Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy

Last updated: 30 January 2023