Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy

Submissions closed: 31 October 2022, 5pm

Consultation on the Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy (the Aerospace Strategy) has now closed. Thank you to everyone who had their say.

Your views will now inform the final Aerospace Strategy, which aims to support the further growth of an internationally competitive Aotearoa New Zealand aerospace sector that is thriving, innovative and safe. 

Aerospace is a dynamic sector that combines space and advanced aviation activities. The Aerospace Strategy will focus on innovation and economic development drivers and set the overall broad direction for the sector, align activities across the government and the sector, and inform policy and regulatory development.

The ‘Developing the Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy’ Consultation Document gave an overview of the areas that will make up the Aerospace Strategy. Alongside this, key questions were asked.

We sought your views on developing content for the following areas of the Aerospace Strategy:

  • Overview of the Aerospace Strategy
  • A strategy for building our aerospace sector
  • Building strong foundations (Three Pillars)
  • Goals for the 2030 Future State
  • Pathway to the 2030 Future State.

Anyone with an interest in the New Zealand aerospace sector was encouraged to make a submission.

Summary of submissions

We have now released a summary of submissions on the Aerospace Strategy. More information is available on the following page:

Aotearoa New Zealand Aerospace Strategy

Consultation on the New Zealand Space Policy Review has also closed. The summary of feedback report and high-level next steps are available on the following page:

New Zealand Space Policy Review

Essential documents

Last updated: 19 December 2022