2018 He Tupu Ohanga: Commercial Advisors Scheme (CAS) Eligibility
Published: 24 Sept 2018Three eligibility criteria.
PDF, 372KB, 1 page
Three eligibility criteria.
PDF, 372KB, 1 page
Answers to questions about He Tupu Ohanga: Commercial Advisors Scheme.
PDF, 303KB, 3 pages
Form for completing a reference check
DOCX, 23KB, 2 pages
English version Promotional booklet explaining five pou Employment, Rangatahi, Enterprise, region and Education
PDF, 254KB, 7 pages
Maori version Promotional booklet explaining five pou Employment, Rangatahi, Enterprise, region and Education
PDF, 753KB, 8 pages
Maori Economic Development publication produced and launched at the ERERE conference
PDF, 4.8MB, 52 pages
A publication that highlights Maori economy
PDF, 4.8MB, 31 pages
Cabinet Economic Growth and infrastructure Committee
PDF, 155KB, 5 pages
Cabinet Economic Growth and infrastructure Committee
PDF, 364KB, 20 pages
A publication that provides business support and directory
PDF, 577KB, 20 pages
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