Final Decision - MBIE Foundations for the Future
Published: 28 Jan 2025Outlines the new organisational structure at MBIE.
PDF, 2.4MB, 30 pages
Outlines the new organisational structure at MBIE.
PDF, 2.4MB, 30 pages
Details the final decision to the changes and implementation approach required as a result of the Government's decision to cease funding to, and disestablish, the Consumer Advocacy Council.
PDF, 610KB, 12 pages
Outlines the timeline for the transfer of Te Pūnaha Hiringa Māori Innovation Fund to Te Puni Kōkiri and the proposed change to Investments and Operations Manager role
PDF, 264KB, 9 pages
Outlines decisions following consultation on the proposal to ensure that the Immigration Compliance and Investigations branch is well placed to manage its functions and responsibilities now and into the future.
PDF, 436KB, 18 pages
Details a number of proposed change to current positions and reporting lines in the Border unit within Immigration Risk and Border branch, and some teams in the Chief Operating Officer Immigration branch
PDF, 1.8MB, 32 pages
This change proposal outlines changes to the Allocation and Triage and Collections Teams within Immigration, Investigations and Compliance branch.
PDF, 477KB, 16 pages
This change proposal focuses on how to best support the Authority, and updates to the service model and levels agreed with the Chief of the Authority
PDF, 599KB, 22 pages
Outlines proposed changes to positions within the Digital Solution Delivery branch that carry out the existing functions of the Emergency Caller Location Information Service (ECLI) team.
PDF, 777KB, 17 pages
This change proposal focuses on specific roles within Business and Consumer that are dedicated to the delivery of the Digital Boost Programme
PDF, 423KB, 14 pages
Details a number of proposed changes across the Market Integrity branch
PDF, 1.1MB, 88 pages
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