Action plan: Waikato workforce

Our Waikato Workforce Actions

Develop services that support transition to work


Short term:

An environmental scan of existing tertiary-transition mentoring programmes in place by sub-region and support type

Medium term:

Develop and deliver programmes that improve the work-readiness of tertiary trained talent in the region

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Te Pūkenga
  • PTEs
  • WDCs
  • Universities
  • Industry Leaders / Peak Bodies

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

  • ICT
  • Construction and Infrastructure


Short term:

Identify existing mentoring/work-ready programmes that support young people entering education, training or work programmes and reflect on successful models for potential expansion/replication or new programmes to fill identified gaps

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Secondary Schools Industry Peak bodies
  • MSD
  • Youth Training and Employment Sub-committee/Waikato Plan (YTE)
  • Smart Waikato



Continue learning from industry about what work-ready skills are needed by those entering the industry

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Te Pukenga
  • WDCs


Short term:

Through co-design, the groups involved will dictate the underlying principles of good education to employment/training/higher education transition support services, what good employment looks like for young workers and what makes for good employment practice for young workers and their employers.

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Youth Training and Employment Sub-committee/Waikato Plan (YTE)
  • Waikato Plan
  • External parties dedicated to youth mentoring-pastoral care-placement
  • MSD
  • Iwi Māori

Education, employment, and training services are tailored and culturally responsive.


Short term:

Increase support for workplaces and tools are apprenticeships that attract and reflect a diverse, inclusive and suitably skilled future workforce

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Diversity Works
  • Waihanga Ara Hau

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors


Medium term:

Completed environmental scan of existing cultural capability programmes and identification of potential models for expansion or replication into the Waikato

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Iwi
  • Te Pukenga
  • WDCs
  • External parties dedicated to youth mentoring-pastoral care-placement

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors


Short term:

Work with partners to identify and provide resources that support workplaces in their DEI journey.

Partners and stakeholders:

  • WDCs

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors


Medium term:

Consider research and findings around neuro-diversity challenges in the workplace through a Waikato workforce lens

Partners and stakeholders:

  • WDCs
  • External parties dedicated to youth mentoring-pastoral care-placement

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors

Training is easily accessible across the Waikato


Short term:

Better understand the flexible learning requirements of the region’s workforce

Medium term:

Identify priority sectors and training partners to create pilot programme

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Te Pūkenga
  • WDCs

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors


Short term:

Geo-map digital connectivity and activity to highlight digital inequality across the Waikato

Medium term:

Advocate for sub-regional solutions through public, private and iwi investment

Partners and stakeholders:

  • MSD

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

Sub-regional Waikato



Build a stronger understanding of existing service provision and barriers (including cost of licencing as a barrier for worker compliance), with a rural / sub-regional focus.

Short term:

Advocate for enhanced visibility of the support mechanisms and services available to increase the numbers of licenced drivers across the Waikato.

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Waka Kotahi
  • MSD

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

Sub-Regional Waikato

Support local, national, and industry-led (peak body) initiatives to attract, train and retain workers in the Waikato region.


Short term:

Create a matrix of existing/planned programmes

Medium term:

Identify priority actions and advocate for Waikato delivery/activity

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Te Waka
  • MBIE

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors


Short term:

Create a matrix of existing / planned programmes enhancing awareness and promoting careers to young people in the key sectors in Waikato.

Identify national and sector promotion initiatives and local delivery partners to amplify the sector career opportunities across the Waikato (e.g.,, Inspiring the Future, Go with Dairy, NZ Tech, et al)

Medium term:

Identify ways to deliver more comprehensive career guidance and engagement in sub-regional Waikato (e.g., Career Expo, FutureForce, et al).

Support the expansion of Smart Waikato’s Secondary School Employer Partnerships (SSEP) programme.

Partners and stakeholders:

  • Smart Waikato
  • TEC
  • FutureForce
  • External parties dedicated to youth mentoring-pastoral care-placement

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

  • All sectors, with early priority on:
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • ICT/Digital



Create a matrix of existing / planned programmes of training and employment support programmes/ mechanisms and work with MSD to identify opportunities to increase visibility of these across the Waikato

Partners and stakeholders:

  • MSD

Cross-cutting sector or theme:

All sectors

Last updated: 07 October 2022