NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement Labour Chapter – guidelines for public submissions

Any person of New Zealand or the United Kingdom can provide submissions in relation to the implementation of the NZ-UK Free Trade Agreement Labour Chapter. To be eligible for consideration, a submission should, at a minimum:

  1. raise an issue directly relevant to this Chapter;
  2. clearly identify the person or organisation making the submission; and
  3. explain, to the degree possible, how and to what extent the issue raised affects trade or investment between the Parties.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), as New Zealand’s contact point for the Chapter, will assess the submission and decide whether to accept it for consideration, normally within 30 days of receipt of the submission unless circumstances require an extension of time. The outcome of the contact point’s assessment of the submission will normally be made available to the submitter, other Parties and the public within 180 days from the date the submission was accepted for review, unless circumstances warrant that this timeframe should be extended.

MBIE may request, from the person or organisation that made the submission, additional information that is necessary to consider the substance of the submission.

Submissions may be made to the following email or postal address:

International Labour Policy Team
Labour & Immigration Policy Branch
Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment
15 Stout Street, PO Box 1473,
Wellington 6140, New Zealand