Progress reporting

Initiatives that receive SEEC Programme funding are assessed to help understand the challenges and benefits of the schemes, and measure the support being delivered to communities.

So far, 67 projects around the country have received SEEC Programme funding from the 4 open funding rounds. This includes a ‘funding boost’ granted to 5 existing projects to expand or restart their projects to deliver further energy education and support through autumn and winter 2022. As at 1 June 2024, 41 of the 62 SEEC-funded projects were complete.

Key figures

As of 1 June 2024:

  • 28,516 households reached
  • 126,441 LED lightbulbs distributed
  • 38,286 other low-cost energy-saving items delivered
  • 639 community events held
  • 41 projects completed

The table below provides a full breakdown of what has been delivered as at 1 June 2024.

Round 1 Round 2 Boost Round 3 FY 2023/2024 (Round 4) Total
Total households reached 9,363 7,695 4,663 5,978 817 28,516
Through events 6,440 5,747 2,879 46,900 95 19,851
Through other means (e.g., a home visit, video call, door knock, referral) 2,923 1,948 1,784 1,288 722 8,665
Community / group events held 420 73 12 117 17 639
Energy education / assessments completed 2,923 1,948 1,784 1,288 722 8,665
Staff trained 69 116 0 53 2 240
Resources, educational material and tools developed 10 16 0 180 1 207
Total low-cost energy-saving items provided 48,017 40,860 18,614 55,686 1,550 164,727
LEDs 41,129 26,228 15,678 42,093 1,313 126,441
Other equipment (e.g. low-flow showerheads, draught stoppers) 6,888 14,632 2,936 13,593 237 38,286
Last updated: 11 July 2024