The Government’s He tipu ka hua fund is investing in Māori organisations to lead research programmes that will address the challenges and opportunities facing Māori communities.
Our largest contestable science fund, the Endeavour Fund, invests in research with the potential to positively transform New Zealand’s economy, environment, and society.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking registrations of interest from organisations with the capability, capacity and interest to coordinate the delivery of an Applied Doctorates training scheme.
Six of New Zealand’s top tertiary students will intern at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory or NASA’s Ames Research Center with the support of a New Zealand Space Scholarship.
On 28 August 2023, the former Minister of Finance, Hon Grant Robertson, announced a number of savings that had been agreed by Cabinet across different portfolios. This included $115.28m from the Research, Science and Innovation (RSI) portfolio.