Growth in the Bay of Plenty region is once again occurring at a slow pace despite the recent limitations on the labour market, higher inflation, and concerns about lower economic activity as interest rates increase.
Displaying 21 - 30 results of 156 for:
The Waikato is the agricultural heart of Aotearoa New Zealand, with over 20% of the nation’s primary exports generated from the region.
Two page summary of the Nelson Tasman Regional Workforce Plan 2023
Coversheet: Establishing an Aquaculture industry in the Chatham Islands - Feasibility and Business Case - Senior Regional Officials meeting held on 17 December 2019
pdf, 892 KBTe Mahere Ahumahi ā-Rohe o Te Tauihu o Te Waka-a-Māui | Marlborough Regional Workforce Plan – 6 monthly progress update: December 2022
Independent study commissioned by Kanoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit looking at regional economic development funding impacts on the New Zealand aquaculture sector.
pdf, 643 KBIn May 2023 the RSLG provided advice to the TEC to help guide their investment process and decisions for 2024 funding for the Nelson Tasman region.
Over the next 12 months we will continue to work on some of the actions that we started this year. For more detail see the section on progress updates on our focus areas and sectors. The new regional actions we will focus on this year are those we have not yet started and include our 2 new sectors – Forestry and Wood Processing and the Visitor Economy.