We are the lead government agency responsible for coordinating the Crown Māori Economic Strategy and Action Plan.
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Te Ōhanga Māori 2023 – The Māori Economy 2023 report is on track for launch in early 2025.
The Action Plan is guided by Te Tiriti principles.
The Māori Employment Action Plan is part of the Government’s Employment Strategy.
Employment makes an important contribution to wellbeing.
There are a range of tools, support and information to help Māori businesses grow their capacity including regional and business-specific networks.
Outlined below are the Y2021 and Y2022 Māori initiatives funded by MBIE investing in the expansion of Māori economic development with the Industry Transformation Plans, creating partnership between business, workers, Māori, and Government.
He Kai Kei Aku Ringa: Māori-Crown Economic Growth Partnership 2023 (He Kai Kei Aku Ringa 2023), provides an organising framework to drive an all-of-government focus on achieving positive economic outcomes for Māori. The strategy was initially published in 2013. It was updated in 2023 to respond to changes in our economy. From 2013 to 2018, the Māori economy grew faster than the New Zealand economy; 37% in real growth, compared to national growth in GDP of 20%. There is an important opportunity to consolidate and extend this growth for the benefit of Māori and for all of Aotearoa. There is also urgent need to ensure this growth will serve the needs of future generations of Māori, as the Māori population is young and fast-growing.
Government announced a suite of new initiatives to accelerate and support Māori and Pacific Peoples research aspirations to the benefit of all New Zealanders.
This overview provides a snapshot of key statistics indicating Māori employment outcomes in Aotearoa New Zealand.