NZ Leather & Shoe Research Association's science platform

The NZ Leather & Shoe Research Association (LASRA) receives $0.9 million per year of Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) funding for 1 science platform – Export quality hides.

MBIE funding details

In July 2018, NZ Leather & Shoe Research Association received $0.9 million Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) funding per year for 7 years to June 2024 for 1 science platform – Export quality hides.

About the research

Export quality hides includes research to improve cow and deer hides for export markets.

Below is the public statement from our contract with LASRA.

Annual updates

Recipients of SSIF funding are required to report yearly on the progress of their work programme. Below are the public updates from LASRA’s annual reports

Last updated: 08 July 2024