Achieving the vision for tourism

Achieving the Government’s vision requires fundamental change.

Tourism’s recovery phase provides the opportunity for tourism to transition to a regenerative, lower carbon, higher skill, and higher wage industry with the aim that the sector becomes more productive, inclusive and innovative.

Tourism also needs the social licence to operate and be underpinned by a sustainable funding model.

The role of government is to steer the system in the right direction. Government works as a steward, looking across the tourism system to make sure it is working effectively and supporting the industry to thrive..

The Government’s vision for tourism draws on tikanga values that underpin sustainable growth in New Zealand-Aotearoa, they are:

  • ōhanga/whairawa (economic prosperity and wellbeing)
  • manaakitanga (shared respect, hospitality, generosity and care for others)
  • kaitiakitanga (guardianship/sustainability)
  • whanaungatanga (a sense of family and belonging, relationships built on shared experiences and working together).