Seeking suggested additions to the ACC list of occupational diseases

Submissions closed: 17 May 2023, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is reviewing Schedule 2 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (the AC Act).

Schedule 2 provides a route for someone to access ACC cover for certain work-related gradual process, disease, or infection injuries (WRGPDI).

For an occupational disease to be included in Schedule 2, there must be strong scientific evidence of a causal link to a work-related risk, meaning any other cause is unlikely.

About the consultation

Schedule 2 in the AC Act provides another route for someone to access cover for certain WRGPDI injuries which occur under certain conditions, and these are set out in a list of occupational diseases. An example of an occupational disease in Schedule 2 is lung cancer or mesothelioma diagnosed as caused by exposure to asbestos.

Schedule 2 is based on the International Labour Organization’s List of Diseases, which was created in 1934 and most recently updated in 2010. Schedule 2 has not been updated since 2008.

MBIE is seeking proposals from workers, employers, occupational health professionals, academics, and any other interested parties, of occupational diseases and their relevant exposures to include in Schedule 2 of the AC Act.

Schedule 2 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001(external link) — New Zealand Legislation

The responses you provide to this consultation will help us develop a list of diseases and relevant exposures to be provided to independent researchers and medical experts.

The review aims to ensure Schedule 2 is up to date with the most recent scientific evidence of a causal link between a disease and work-related exposure.

The review will not consider wider changes to the AC Scheme, including how WRGPDI cover is provided more broadly and how other types of injuries, which are not an occupational disease, are covered under the AC Act. This review will not consider work-related mental injury cover, as this is covered separately and is therefore out of scope.

Last updated: 20 June 2023