Report on Overseas Travel: Hon Iain Lees-Galloway – Minute of Decision
Published: 29 Aug 2019Cabinet minute of decision to consider approval for overseas travel by Hon Iain Lees-Galloway
PDF, 114KB, 2 pages
Cabinet minute of decision to consider approval for overseas travel by Hon Iain Lees-Galloway
PDF, 114KB, 2 pages
Cabinet Minute seeking approval for travel to China from 21-29 June to build on the successful China-New Zealand Year of Tourism engagements.
PDF, 129KB, 2 pages
Cabinet Minute on travel to Canberra and Melbourne, Australia from 24 October 2018 to 26 October 2018.
PDF, 121KB, 2 pages
Cabinet Minute on report on travel to Sydney, Australia on 28 September 2018 to progress ‘open banking’ options for New Zealand.
PDF, 122KB, 2 pages
The Cabinet minute provides the record of Cabinet’s agreement to release the All of Government Employment Strategy and Youth Employment Action Plan
PDF, 199KB, 4 pages
Cabinet minute approving an Options Paper to be released for public consultation, as part of the review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987.
PDF, 391KB, 2 pages
Cabinet Economic Development Committee decisions on cabinet paper to amend earthquake-prone building regulations.
PDF, 169KB, 2 pages
This minute show Cabinet’s decision to delegate a decision on addressing the cost to a group of Ministers.
PDF, 333KB, 3 pages
This minute covers the decisions made by the Cabinet Economic Development Committee on the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 Cabinet paper.
PDF, 281KB, 4 pages
Cabinet minute confirming report back to the Economic Development Committee on the Provincial Growth Fund for the period 1 October 2018 to 28 February 2019.
PDF, 238KB, 2 pages
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