Holidays Act 2003 Review: Terms of Reference: Cabinet paper
Published: 28 May 2018Seeking agreement to a review of the Holidays Act 2003
PDF, 102KB, 15 pages
Seeking agreement to a review of the Holidays Act 2003
PDF, 102KB, 15 pages
Seeking Cabinet approval to change the Equal Pay Act 1972 to improve the pay equity system
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to a number of legislative amendments to allow banks and cetain public sector asset managers to continue to offshore funding and manage their investments through the use of derivatives
PDF, 509KB, 14 pages
This Cabinet paper seeks Cabinet's agreement to consult the international education sector on a set of proposed changes to immigration settings to ensure post-study immigration pathways for international students are fit for purpose and reduce the likelihoof of exploitation.
PDF, 5.8MB, 32 pages
This paper seeks Cabinet agreement to release for public consultation the two discussion documents Disclosure requirements in the new financial advice regime and Regulations to support measures to address the misuse of the Financial Service Providers Register, in order to support the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill (Bill).
PDF, 192KB, 8 pages
This discussion paper seeks submissions on proposed regulations under the Financial Service Providers (Registration and Dispute Resolution) Act 2008 (FSP Act).
PDF, 868KB, 27 pages
Cabinet paper seeking approval to release consultation papers
PDF, 192KB, 8 pages
This paper seeks Cabinet approval to amend the Commerce Act 1986 to empower the Commerce Commission to self-initiate market studies to supplement earlier Cabinet decisions to introduce a new market studies regime.
PDF, 68KB, 10 pages
This paper seeks approval for the introduction of the Commerce Amendment Bill, which amends the Commerce Act 1986 to introduce a competition studies power for the Commerce Commission, strengthen the regulatory regime for airports and amend alternative enforcement mechanisms.
PDF, 52KB, 8 pages
A Cabinet Paper summarising Cabinet's decisions on import tariff levels after 2017
PDF, 902KB, 10 pages
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