Pacific and Māori economic development work programmes
Published: 12 Sept 2024The briefing summarises the Māori and Pacific work programmes within the Economic Development Portfolio.
PDF, 1.6MB, 8 pages
The briefing summarises the Māori and Pacific work programmes within the Economic Development Portfolio.
PDF, 1.6MB, 8 pages
PDF, 489KB, 10 pages
To provide an update on the 2 Budget 2024 Bids for the Regional Development portfolio.
PDF, 520KB, 31 pages
To update you on discussions about the Geohazards Information Services budget bid at the 18 March 2024 Budget Bilateral meeting between the Minister of Finance and Associate Minister of Finance.
PDF, 412KB, 7 pages
To provide further information on the Economic Development Portfolio savings for MBIE's Initial Baseline Exercise following your Budget Bilateral with the Associate Minister of Finance.
PDF, 1.4MB, 10 pages
To respond to your request for a status report on Budget 2024 initiatives in the Economic Development portfolio.
PDF, 1.5MB, 11 pages
To provide an update on the current savings process being progressed as part of Budget 2024, and in particular: provide information around the National Science Challenges and the end of funding in June 2024, noting a recent question on this from the Minister of Finance. Seek your approval to discuss with the Minister of Finance proposed changes in SI&T appropriations that would reallocate existing funding towards high priority initiatives that have time-limited funding arrangements. We recommend that you discuss both of these topics with the Minister of Finance at the soonest opportunity.
PDF, 422KB, 12 pages
To provide you with a draft paper seeking Cabinet approval, in principle, to establish the Regional Infrastructure Fund (RIF), so that you can initiate Ministerial consultation ahead of the paper being considered by the Cabinet Economic Policy Committee.
PDF, 262KB, 9 pages
To advise on the implications of the draft Budget 2024 outcome for geohazard, data and information and monitoring.
PDF, 450KB, 6 pages
To seek your agreement to ask the Minister of Finance, as a matter of urgency, to include the proposed fiscally neutral transfers, within Budget 24 to enable allow priority initiatives to continue beyond this financial year.
PDF, 297KB, 7 pages
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