Accident Compensation definitions and other amendment regulations
Published: 13 Dec 2024Cabinet paper seeking to submit amendment regulations to the Executive Council.
PDF, 271KB, 5 pages
Cabinet paper seeking to submit amendment regulations to the Executive Council.
PDF, 271KB, 5 pages
Analysis on proposals to set debit interest rates for Work levy payers who opt to use a payment plan, and to amend the interest on late levy payments to ensure compatibility between the two rates.
PDF, 752KB, 27 pages
Analysis on proposals to remove the Fleet Saver product from ACC’s levy collection system.
PDF, 557KB, 15 pages
Cost Recovery Impact Statement to assess the proposed changes for the 2025-2028 levy round.
PDF, 1.1MB, 28 pages
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to publicly consult on proposed levy rates for 2025/26, 2026/27, and 2027/28.
PDF, 460KB, 15 pages
Cabinet gave approval to consult on additions to the List of Occupational Diseases.
PDF, 366KB, 3 pages
Cabinet paper seeking approval to release a discussion document to launch a public consultation for feedback on proposed additions to Schedule 2.
PDF, 416KB, 10 pages
Submission template to provide feedback on the proposed additions to Schedule 2, the list of occupational diseases in the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
DOCX, 42KB, 17 pages
WorkSafe's submission on seeking proposals for additions to the list of occupational diseases under the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
PDF, 846KB, 2 pages
EMA's submission on seeking proposals for additions to the list of occupational diseases under the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
PDF, 179KB, 4 pages
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