Full review - Preserved peaches from Spain: Stage 2 Full review questionnaire
Published: 22 Feb 2022MBIE's stage 2 full review questionnaire for a review of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain.
PDF, 302KB, 10 pages
MBIE's stage 2 full review questionnaire for a review of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain.
PDF, 302KB, 10 pages
MBIE's stage 2 full review framework for a review of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain.
PDF, 415KB, 20 pages
MBIE's stage 1 final report - review of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain.
PDF, 998KB, 90 pages
Cabinet agreed to proposals to refresh strategic procurement priority areas and the programme of work to position New Zealand’s government procurement for the future.
PDF, 144KB, 3 pages
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to proposals to refresh strategic procurement priorities and position New Zealand’s government procurement for the future.
PDF, 318KB, 17 pages
MBIE’s report on the step 2 investigation into whether dumping of aluminium-zinc coated steel from Korea and Taiwan is causing material injury to a New Zealand industry.
PDF, 443KB, 23 pages
MBIE’s report on the step 1 investigation into whether dumping of aluminium-zinc coated steel from Korea and Taiwan is causing material injury to a New Zealand industry.
PDF, 1.3MB, 102 pages
This Final Statement concludes consideration by the New Zealand National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (the Guidelines) of a Specific Instance submitted by the NGOs SOUL (Save Our Unique Landscape) and Ngā Kaitiaki o Ihumātao Trust in regard to alleged conduct towards them by the Multinational Enterprise (MNE) Fletchers Building Limited in relation to a proposed housing development.
PDF, 424KB, 2 pages
This Final Statement concludes consideration by the New Zealand National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (the Guidelines) of a Specific Instance submitted by Mr and Mrs B in regard to alleged conduct towards them by MNE I in managing an insurance claim.
PDF, 420KB, 2 pages
MBIE's initiation memo for a review of anti-dumping duties on preserved peaches from Spain.
PDF, 925KB, 19 pages
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