Oil filters from the USA: Final review report
Published: 15 Dec 2000MED's final report for a review of anti-dumping duties on oil filters from the United States
PDF, 429KB, 87 pages
MED's final report for a review of anti-dumping duties on oil filters from the United States
PDF, 429KB, 87 pages
MED's initiation report for an investigation of alleged dumping of fridge-freezers and refrigerators from Korea
PDF, 105KB, 45 pages
MED's initiation report for an investigation of alleged dumping of automatic washing machines from Korea
PDF, 100KB, 43 pages
MED's initiation report for an investigation of alleged dumping of Tamoxifen Citrate from the UK
PDF, 95KB, 24 pages
Gives effect to a scheme implementing mutual recognition principles between the Parties relating to the sale of Goods and the Registration of Occupations consistent with the protection of public health, safety and the environment.
PDF, 169KB, 29 pages
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