Stocktake of Schedule 4 Crown Minerals Act: Cabinet paper
Published: 10 Jul 2010This paper contains proposals that respond to issues raised in the stocktake of Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991 (Act).
PDF, 156KB, 34 pages
This paper contains proposals that respond to issues raised in the stocktake of Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991 (Act).
PDF, 156KB, 34 pages
Updated projections of New Zealand
PDF, 418KB, 8 pages
Updated projections of New Zealand
PDF, 324KB, 8 pages
Summary report to consider barriers to the development and use of geothermal resources in New Zealand, particularly for emerging technologies, and discuss ways to reduce the impact of these barriers.
PDF, 187KB, 23 pages
A report on the barriers to the development and use of geothermal resources in New Zealand and ways to reduce the impact of these barriers.
PDF, 187KB, 23 pages
Survey of where and how energy is used in new zealand, splitting oil companies deliveries into categories based on economic sectors.
PDF, 109KB, 18 pages
An update to a 2006 report that developed projections of energy demand by a number of energy-intensive manufacturing industries in New Zealand.
PDF, 2MB, 95 pages
This report examines the current and expected future prices of coal in New Zealand for domestic and export markets.
PDF, 1MB, 39 pages
An examination of the world pv market and its potential to provide reliable, low emissions electricity for the future.
PDF, 3.1MB, 85 pages
An assessment of the future costs and performance of solar PV in New Zealand.
PDF, 3.1MB, 85 pages
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