Mean Green Products: submission on the process heat technical paper
Published: 2 May 2019Submission received on the Process Heat in New Zealand technical paper: Mean Green Products
PDF, 61KB, 2 pages
Submission received on the Process Heat in New Zealand technical paper: Mean Green Products
PDF, 61KB, 2 pages
Submission received on the Process Heat in New Zealand technical paper: Mark Watson
PDF, 202KB, 2 pages
Submission received on the Process Heat in New Zealand technical paper: Katia De Lu
PDF, 448KB, 2 pages
Overview of how process heat is used in the indoor cropping sectors, including energy demands and related greenhouse gas emissions
PDF, 1.6MB, 4 pages
Overview of how process heat is used in meat and meat product manufacturing, including energy demands and related greenhouse gas emissions
PDF, 156KB, 4 pages
This review was commissioned to provide assurance that the National Plan to Implement the Non-Interference Provisions of the Crown Minerals Act 1991 (the Plan), with its proposed amendments, and any other adaptations arising from the review is fit for purpose.
PDF, 1MB, 34 pages
Electricity Authority's Real-Time Pricing Project: Approval of Funding - minute of decision.
PDF, 570KB, 2 pages
Approval of funding for the Electricity Authority’s real-time pricing project: Cabinet-Economic Development committee paper.
PDF, 721KB, 6 pages
Submission recevied on the Electricity Price Review options paper: Major Energy Users Group
PDF, 458KB, 18 pages
Submission recevied on the Electricity Price Review options paper: LineTrust South Canterbury
PDF, 18KB, 4 pages
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