
We are responsible for administering certain aspects of the KiwiSaver Act 2006.

These include:

  • Part 4 of the Act which contains governance provisions relating to KiwiSaver schemes
  • Schedule 1 which contains the KiwiSaver scheme rules that apply to all KiwiSaver schemes.
In this section

KiwiSaver default fund changes

After 1 December, KiwiSaver default members will be securely transferred to new default funds, where they can benefit from changes including lower fees, potentially higher returns, and engagement from their providers at key points in their KiwiSaver journey.

Review of KiwiSaver default provider arrangements

We are reviwing the arrangements for providers of default KiwiSaver schemes to ensure they are delivering the best outcomes for default members.

Improvements to KiwiSaver annual statements

The Government has introduced changes to improve the annual statements for KiwiSaver investors to enable them to make positive decisions about their retirement savings.

Early access to KiwiSaver for people with life-shortening congenital conditions

The majority of New Zealanders are able to withdraw their KiwiSaver savings at the time they qualify for NZ Superannuation (65 years old). The Government has made it easier for people born with a condition that shortens their life expectancy below this age to withdraw their KiwiSaver balances.

Last updated: 29 July 2019