MBIE outcomes

Our strategic intentions are underpinned by our purpose and outcomes framework. To pursue these goals, MBIE focuses on five outcome areas. This section of the report provides information on our progress towards these outcomes.

A suite of outcome indicators was developed for our outcome framework and is included in our Statement of Intent 2018–2022. We consider that our outcome framework continues to be valid in the current COVID-19 environment with its focus on economic performance and participation.

COVID-19 restrictions have impacted on performance reporting in two main ways: by reducing our ability to collect performance data and by making it harder to achieve performance targets and desired trends. The following sections contain commentary on this impact by outcome indicator and output performance measure.

Outcome indicators and our output performance measures are different ways of assessing performance and therefore cannot necessarily be looked at together. Our output performance measures assess whether we have achieved specific services or functions that collectively support the overall achievement of our outcomes. These services and functions tend to be under our direct influence and over a shorter time period.

Our outcome indicators represent movement towards our longer-term goals and are trend-based. They need to be viewed over the long term (multi-year) and are not wholly within MBIE’s control. However, they provide a view of whether we are moving in the right direction towards the outcomes. All outcome indicators are reported  using the most up-to-date data available at the time of analysis.

In this section

Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

The world is changing and evolving at an increasing pace, and it is important that people, sectors and regions can adapt to ensure prosperity in our current environment, and as we prepare for an uncertain world.

Outcome Two: People are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work

People need work that provides fair pay. But work is more than simply income; it can also give people a sense of purpose and allow them to develop skills, experience and social connections.

Outcome Three: Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

By setting rules and defining rights, MBIE allows business to operate effectively while protecting consumers from harm. MBIE supports consumers, tenants, landlords, workers and businesses by providing information and services. We help to set and enforce market rules and regulations across a range of areas, including the building and construction market and telecommunications sector.

Outcome Four: Value is sustainably derived from the natural environment

New Zealand’s natural environment is important to our sense of identity and has great cultural and recreational significance. It also supports much economic activity.

Outcome Five: A dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections

New Zealand companies need investment and the right connections to be able to imagine more, produce more and achieve more for New Zealand.