The Minister for ACC is proactively releasing the titles of documents received from MBIE.
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ACC levies are set every 3 years. In any given year, levies are intended to be equivalent to the lifetime cost of rehabilitating those who are injured in that year. This excludes the cost of claims made by non-earners (which are government funded) and investment returns.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is seeking feedback on proposed additions to Schedule 2, the list of occupational diseases in the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (the AC Act). Schedule 2 is the list of occupational diseases covered under the AC Act. For an occupational disease to be included in Schedule 2, there must be strong scientific evidence proving a causal link to a work-related risk.
This is the web version of the discussion document Seeking feedback on the proposed additions to Schedule 2 of the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
MBIE is seeking feedback on proposed additions to the list of diseases covered under ACC where there is a link to workplace exposure.
Titles of documents the Minister of ACC received from MBIE in 2021.
Titles of documents the Minister of ACC received from MBIE in 2022.
Changes to ACC regulations for Chinese medicine, paramedics and audiometrists
On behalf of the Minister for ACC, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment consulted on the Minister’s proposed changes to regulations made under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 to deal primarily with the following three topics: Chinese medicine, paramedics, and audiometrists.
On behalf of the Minister for ACC, the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment is consulting on the Minister’s proposed changes to regulations made under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 to deal primarily with the following three topics: Chinese medicine, paramedics, and audiometrists.