Engagement on space policy
Feedback from the Space Policy Review public consultation – which occurred in September and October 2022 – is informing future engagements with the public on space. This includes providing information on the MBIE website on key space policies, functions, processes and engagements across government. This website will be updated regularly.
On this page
The following are several key areas for further engagement highlighted to Cabinet in April 2023. The outcomes of these workstreams will feed into legislative amendments to the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act 2017, where relevant. Questions or comments about space policy workstreams can be emailed to spacepolicy@mbie.govt.nz
Clarifying national interest regulatory processes
Officials will commence a national interest workstream which implements the Policy's objective of “clarifying what space activities are inconsistent with New Zealand’s national interest”. The workstream will consider amendments to the existing national interest risk review process in light of the values and objectives from the Policy and feedback from the consultation.
National interest considerations
Ongoing engagement with Māori
Officials will prioritise gathering further information about Māori interests in space, as well as engaging specifically with the Mahia community.
A landscape report on current Māori participation in, and perspectives on, the space sector will be commissioned and will establish a baseline understanding to then assess further opportunities for Māori in the sector. Further updates on this process will be provided on this page.
The government intends to engage with the Mahia community on an ongoing basis. In the first instance, this will be to address concerns raised during the public consultation, including with regard to the local environment.
Gathering environmental information
Officials will gather environmental data and undertake further research to assess the impact of space activities from New Zealand, to then inform any policy considerations. This includes assessing existing and future environmental reporting from Rocket Lab and any other sources.