The Canterbury RSLG

Elizabeth Brown - Ngāi Tahu/Iwi Co-Chair


This mahi provides a fantastic opportunity to bring together a wide range of perspectives on the labour market challenges facing the Canterbury region now, and in preparation for the future.

Karena Brown - Co-Chair


I am passionate about the mahi of the RSLG to create a well-trained, skilled workforce that meets the need of industry. It is vital if we want Canterbury to grow and become more productive.

Simon Anderson


The Regional Workforce Plan is critical to support Waitaha Canterbury’s future regional prosperity, using its’ mandates to ensure the right skills are being taught for our industry and community – and ensuring needs-based regional migration.

Sandy Brinsdon

NGOs/Social Services

The mahi of the RSLG is so important because it brings together the views of different groups, both in terms of their area of focus and community of interest and in such a way the multiple views add significant value.

Nigel Davenport


The Regional Workforce Plan, informed by a strong industry voice and with our workforce at its very centre, will provide a platform from which leading and innovative training & skills provision can be further developed and implemented. Exciting times ahead.

Nicole Forster


Canterbury has faced a number of challenges with critical labour market skill shortages, this is forecast to continue and, in some areas, increase. The solutions to some of these challenges sit outside of individual employers and/or industries, and the RSLGs can add value here by consolidating issues and streamlining solutions that can be actioned with speed to remove constraints and enable Canterbury to thrive.

Tori McNoe

Rangatahi and Youth

RSLGs are integral in ensuring our communities are seen in their fullest uniqueness and potential. Serving for the rangatahi of Waitaha Canterbury and building the community to be an integral pillar to the Regional Workforce Plan has been inspiring.

Chelsea Rapp


The work undertaken by the Canterbury RSLG gives us a unique opportunity to highlight the challenges and opportunities that businesses, students, and employees face in our region. I'm confident in our ability as a group to make a positive, lasting impact on the future of working in Canterbury.

Briana Te Haara-Barr

Rangatahi and Youth

The Regional Workforce Plan is a strategy led by RSLG that looks to continue uplifting our communities in all areas of life, like education and employment. Areas that can have a positive impact on our region, on our wellbeing and living. It is our commitment to ensure the success of our Rangatahi, tamariki, whānau and hapori. 

Adrian Teika


Focused on connecting with the local work force and business networks and providing insights to feed this into a body that can effect change for future workforces for Canterbury is vital.

Amanda Smidt


This mahi is critical as it enables our region’s employers to effectively plan for, and build a skilled, diverse, productive and agile workforce; and our government agencies, and education and training institutions can be responsive.

Paul Watson


The work of the RSLG is vital for future labour force planning to capture the best opportunities for people in the region. The RSLG has a unique opportunity working with community, Iwi, Employers and Unions to develop a future workforce plan that hopefully the citizens of Canterbury can benefit from during many years to come

Ben Clark

Regional Public Service Commissioner

My focus is to help ensure that the wider public service is able to get in behind the priorities of the Group, to benefit the diverse communities within Canterbury and Chatham Islands.

Diane McDermott 

Permanent Official. Regional Commissioner, Canterbury Region, MSD.

The RSLG is a great opportunity to ensure that we are all part of a joined-up approach that supports regional workforce planning and identifies future education and skills needs which in turn supports strong economic growth for the Canterbury region and creates opportunities for those who live in our communities.