MBIE outcomes

This section explains the work MBIE carried out in 2020/21 to contribute towards the achievement of five outcomes, which were re-confirmed in our recently published Strategic Intentions 2021-2025. These outcomes articulate our contribution to making Aotearoa New Zealand a better place.

Outcome indicators and our output performance measures are different ways of assessing and, therefore, cannot necessarily be looked at together. Our output performance measures assess whether we have achieved specific services or functions that collectively support the overall achievement of our outcomes. These services and functions tend to be under our direct influence and over a shorter time period.

Our outcome indicators represent movement towards our longer-term goals and are trend based. They need to be viewed over the long term (multi-year) and are not wholly within MBIE’s control. However, they provide a view of whether we are moving in the right direction towards the outcomes. All outcome indicators are reported using the most up-to-date data available at the time of analysis. Some values reported for previous years will not match what has been reported in previous annual reports because, this year, some previous values have been revised.

In this section

Outcome One: Prosperous and adaptable people, sectors and regions

To ensure prosperity now and into the future, our people, sectors and regions will need ongoing adaptation to changing national and global environments. This year has witnessed MBIE’s work towards supporting our people and businesses across regions to adapt to uncertainties.

Outcome Two: People are skilled and engaged in safe and fulfilling work

Jobs are continuing to change as the economy transforms. MBIE supports a responsive labour market where people make the best use of their skills and contribute towards Aotearoa New Zealand’s success. MBIE also influences the market to make sure people and businesses have access to the skills they need.

Outcome Three: Informed consumers and businesses interacting with confidence

MBIE progressed a number of work programmes in 2020/21 to ensure protections were in place to increase both consumers’ and producers’ confidence in economic participation. This is essential to economic growth and delivering broader social outcomes. We are proud of many improvements to services delivered to businesses.

Outcome Four: Value is sustainably derived from the natural environment

Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural environment is important to our sense of identity and has great cultural and recreational significance. It also supports crucial economic activity.

Outcome Five: A dynamic business environment fostering innovation and international connections

To achieve a sustained lift in economic performance and participation, we need a business environment that is dynamic, where businesses are able to respond to new opportunities and where resources are allocated to the most productive use. We also need to innovate sustainably and adopt new economic thinking at pace.