Acronyms and glossary


ACC: Accident Compensation Corporation

BERL: Business and Economic Research Limited

CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team

CNGP: Carbon Neutral Government Programme

EECA: Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority

EV: Electric Vehicle

FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

FTE: Full-Time Equivalent

GDP: Gross Domestic Product

GHG: Greenhouse Gases

GST: Goods and Services Tax

ICT: Information and Communications Technology

IMO: International Maritime Organization

ITP: Industry Transformation Plans

MARPOL: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships

MBIE: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment

MCA: Multi-Category Appropriation

MIQ: Managed Isolation and Quarantine

MYA: Multi-Year Appropriation

NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NEET: Not in Employment, Education or Training

NSHM: National Seismic Hazard Model

NZBN: New Zealand Business Number

NZCRS: New Zealand Claims Resolution Service

NZ GAAP: New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PBE: Public Benefit Entity

PBE FRS: Public Benefit Entity Financial Reporting Standard

PBE IPSAS: Public Benefit Entity International Public Sector Accounting Standard

PLA: Permanent Legislative Authority

RSI: Research, Science and Innovation

RSE: Recognised Seasonal Employer

SLT: Senior Leadership Team

TAS: Temporary Accommodation Service

Glossary of terms

The outcome describes what we are trying to achieve and what this looks like.

Intermediate Outcome
The intermediate outcome describes the outcome in more detail.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.

Departmental Expenses
Expenses incurred by MBIE in delivering services and functions on behalf of the Government.

Non-Departmental Expenses
Expenses incurred by entities other than MBIE in delivering services and functions on behalf of the Government.

Types of Expenses:

  • Output
    A term for goods, services or functions purchased by the government. Outputs include policy advice, administration of contracts, and the provision of specific services.
  • Other expense
    A term for operating expenses that are not outputs, such as interest expenses and grants.

An appropriation is a sum of money allocated for a particular use and includes a description of what is being purchased, why it is being purchased and how performance will be assessed. It authorises ministers to consume public resources, and ensures that Parliament knows how money will be spent and that government is held accountable for the spending.

Types of Appropriations:

  • Annual appropriation
    This is the most common type of appropriation and is limited to one financial year, consistent with the annual budget cycle.
  • MCA: multi-category appropriation
    Multi-category appropriations consist of 2 or more categories of spending within a single appropriation that contribute to the same overarching purpose.
  • MYA: multi-year appropriation
    Multi-year appropriations allow expenses or capital expenditure to be incurred during a specified period of no more than 5 financial years. MYAs are generally used where uncertainties or dependencies are likely to affect when costs are incurred (e.g. milestone payments for a multi-year project).
  • PLA: permanent legislative authority
    Permanent appropriations are authorised by legislation other than an Appropriation Act and continue in effect for an indefinite period. Generally, the authorising legislation will impose limits on the scope of the appropriation and not its amount.

Main Estimates
The Main Estimates are the Government’s approved set of appropriations for a year. They are approved and published before the start of the financial year to which they relate.

Supplementary Estimates
The Supplementary Estimates are the Government’s approved changes to appropriations within a financial year and supersede the information in the Main Estimates for that year.